Our Team

The Emery Designs Team is a group of Agency partners that we work with on a regular basis. Most of our partners are graduates of the uAcademy digital marketing program, so we all work using a similar set of tools.

We enjoy working with each other and all have the ability to do all the jobs listed here – we have just become specialists in our given areas of expertise.

Our staff is continually continuing their education and is known for meeting challenging deadlines in creative ways.

Elizabeth Emery

Owner and Operator

Elizabeth Emery (Betsy)

Emery Designs was founded 2003. Formerly the marketing coordinator at  Taylor Made Products, Betsy brings not only an expertise in marketing but a long history of manufacturing and the demands of the industry to the team.

Innovative solutions and the ability to act quickly as well as staying ahead of the trends create a unique blend to create the image of your company as the experts you truly are.

We love working with our clients and celebrate getting their unique messaging ou tinto the world.

Sara James Headshot

Branding & Social Media Specialist

Sara James

With a BA in Business, she has worked with small and national businesses to design creative and effective marketing strategies. The work that she does compliments your hard work and dedication to your business by leveraging the power of social media to reach the right audiences in the right places. She is a strong believer in doing what makes sense to grow your brand while having fun along the way. She is ready to help your business reach its full potential!


Autumn Ware

Autumn has been an amazing addition to our team – her unique perspective and talent for not just writing but research has added a new dimension to our content first approach. She takes notes from our meetings and comes back with the right message for the customer we have defined!!!

A pleasure to work with.

Autumn ware
Stephen Gillespie

Data & SEO Specialist

Stephen Gillespie

Stephen is our SEO bloodhound. First he figures out how we can improve your digital presence organically.  We look closely at how and where traffic is coming from – then fine tune it to get the traffic we are looking for. This piece is essential for finding and converting those clients that have value for you!

Video Team

Vince & Elizabeth

Vince and Elizabeth have mastered the art of telling an emotional story in under 3 minutes! This is a rare and unique talent that we are excited to offer our clients.  In this day and age a compelling video get so much more traffic than text and is an amazing addition to our marketing campaigns.


Janene Bouck

Professional Photography makes all the difference in any visual presentation – especially your website, print and social networking. A portion of EVERY budget should be dedicated to this valuable service. Janene has an amazing eye and spend the time required in post production to get spectacular images. We are lucky to have her on board.

Video Team

Kaona McGowan

It is great to find a graphic designer who thinks the same way I do! Kaona has been able to convert our concepts into print campaigns that are consistent with our branding. This has made it easy for sales reps to have a bank of media they need that is downloadable and ready for the printer for every event and training that comes up.